This may seem a little odd to be talking about a decent night’s sleep when I run Pilates classes. However, it is something that a lot of my members suffer with and can have a huge impact on everyday life, including motivation to exercise. Even if you do not struggle now, when you come towards the menopause quality of sleep can change dramatically so making small changes early on can help.
Did you know that the average person wakes up between 10-15 times a night. So, if you are struggling you are not alone! Very few people fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow and stay asleep all night, but there are some things you can do to improve your own sleep quality.
Why is it important to get a good nights sleep?
Besides the obvious fact that you will feel tired if you are not sleeping, there are many other benefits to achieving a good quality of sleep. Regular good sleeping will:
Reduce the chance of snacking and overeating during the day, helping with weight management.
Improve your life expectancy.
Reduce the effects of stress and anxiety on the body.
Reduce inflammation in the muscles and joins, meaning less aches and pains in the morning.
Improve your overall general health as the body rests and repairs during sleep.
Improve your ability to focus and concentrate.
Improve the ability to learn.
Make you more efficient and productive.
Improve your ability to regulate your emotions and mood.
Improve your immune function.
Improve your relationships and connections with others.
A repeated lack of sleep can also affect your emotions, social interactions and has also been linked to both anxiety and depression, so how do we get a good night's sleep?
Pay attention to your sleeping environment.
This sounds obvious but, make your bed comfortable. A comfortable bed can help you get to sleep faster, so invest in some good pillows and a comfortable and supportive mattress. Even better buy yourself some sheets and a duvet set that you love and feel happy snuggling up in.
Blackout your bedroom as light can trick your brain into thinking it is still daytime. Also try to avoid sleeping with the TV on, as the flickering light can disrupt sleep.
Keeping your bedroom cool helps you fall asleep more easily, as your body naturally cools down before sleep. Aim for between 16 and 20 °C.
Check out the last few hours before you go to bed.
Write a list. If you find that your mind is racing with the always present to do list, write it all down before you get into bed, so you don’t have to remember it. Pop a note pad by the bed so you can add anything if it does come into your mind.
Stay away from screens for 1-2 hours before bed. This includes television, your phone, your tablet, and any other electronic device. The light from these screens will keep you awake or lead to poor sleep quality.
Take a warm bath or shower. A warm bath or shower signals to your body to cool down, which helps you fall asleep faster. You'll also feel extra relaxed especially if you add calming scents, such as lavender to your water.
Calm yourself with essential oils. In addition to adding oils to your bath, you can spray your room with diluted essential oils or use an oil diffuser. Great options for bedtime include lavender and chamomile.
Read or listen to music. Reading before bed is a great way to relax. Many people find that reading every night helps them wind down. Use a soft bedside lamp to maintain the right environment for sleep.
Other top tips include:
Don’t use your bed as a work or study space, keep this space purely for sleeping.
Avoid caffeine after 3pm if you are sensitive to it.
If you are a smoker, try to reduce your usage or even better quit totally as nicotine acts as a stimulant, keeping you active.
Be active during the day. Exercise can extend the number of hours that you sleep, as well as prime your body for deep sleep.
Don't drink alcohol before bed.
Use meditation or relaxation techniques just as you get into bed.
Make sure you are hydrated enough during the day so that you wake up fresh.
If you would like to try some natural, organic lavender products that have been tested to help you sleep, send me a message, or copy the link below and type ‘so sleepy’ into the search.